The Love Our Adventures weekly crossword
Here it is, the weekly crossword! We (generally) update each Wednesday with a new crossword - grab a brew, take a load off and best of luck...
You can toggle directions by repeatedly clicking on the current cell, the current related clues should pop up and the full list is available at the bottom.
Things are still being tested at the moment, so if you encounter any issues feel free to get in touch so we can get them fixed asap.
Wednesday - 3rd July, 2024 [#68]
1. Having an issue with someone [5]2. Paul, Eckhart, Taylor-Johnson, Carter... [5]
3. A metric unit of speed - equivalent to roughly 3.2 feet per second (initials) [3]
4. The measure of the circulating blood against the walls of the blood vessels (initials) [2]
5. Iconic American denim brand [5]
6. Not quite making it into the top 10 [8]
7. A box, of equal sizes [4]
8. Sweden's first-ever Eurovision winners [4]
9. A short chortle [2]
10. A logic gate that returns positive for either signal individually or both together [2]
1. To put something on the line [6]9. A small in stature but large-footed human-like creature from the world of JRR Tolkien [6]
11. Descend down a steep incline using ropes [6]
12. American tax office (initials) [3]
13. Celebration held on the 8th of May, marking the end of World War II (initials) [2]
14. The fourth Teletubby [2]
15. A Latin 4 [2]
16. To wrap or cocoon something in [6]
17. The London Southall postcode, named for the suburban West London town that sits right on the border of London's green belt [2]
18. The size of a space [4]