The Love Our Adventures weekly crossword
Here it is, the weekly crossword! We (generally) update each Wednesday with a new crossword - grab a brew, take a load off and best of luck...
You can toggle directions by repeatedly clicking on the current cell, the current related clues should pop up and the full list is available at the bottom.
Things are still being tested at the moment, so if you encounter any issues feel free to get in touch so we can get them fixed asap.
Wednesday - 22nd May, 2024 [#63]
1. Once per 24 hours [5]2. Therefore, Latin [4]
3. A relative to you whose lineage is traceable to the same male ancestor [6]
4. Sainsbury's clothing line [2]
5. A place to collect eggs [3,5]
6. Iconic metal lighter brand [5]
7. Arsenal and England right winger: ______ Saka [6]
8. A very small piece of land surrounded by waters [5]
9. A message to your diety [6]
10. The duck-billed, egg-laying oddity of mammals [8]
11. Windows release before XP that coincides with the year 2000 [2]
12. A small image representing something, like an app, function or process [4]
13. At the end of the order [4]
1. End of life [5]6. Humped cattle from South Asia [4]
9. An unexpected growth on your body, benign or potentially cancerous [5]
14. To disagree, perhaps furiously [5]
15. American video game and entertainment network, launched in 1996 by Chris Anderson (initials) [3]
16. Fresh-water bottom feeding fish found across Eurasia and Northern Africa [5]
17. Me and you [2]
18. A sharp point [5]
19. An important message, broadcasted to the populous (initials) [3]
20. A piece of software or hardware that will no longer be receiving updates or support (initials) [3]
21. Blunt, Osment, Ratajkowski, Dobson, Dickinson... [5]
22. To quickly summarise [5]
23. Free-to-play mouse rhythm game from Dean "Peppy" Herbert [3]
24. A place for men to relieve themselves [5]