The Love Our Adventures weekly crossword
Here it is, the weekly crossword! We (generally) update each Wednesday with a new crossword - grab a brew, take a load off and best of luck...
You can toggle directions by repeatedly clicking on the current cell, the current related clues should pop up and the full list is available at the bottom.
Things are still being tested at the moment, so if you encounter any issues feel free to get in touch so we can get them fixed asap.
Wednesday - 28th February, 2024 [#52]
1. Having the appearance, or personality, of someone young [8]2. Strayed from the accepted course [6]
3. Bruce ___, Stan ___, Christopher ___, Spike ___ ... etc [3]
4. The process a game or application goes through to process all required files [4]
5. The primary software of a computer (initials) [2]
6. 2000's Jim Carrey comedy: Me, ______ and Irene [6]
7. One of the primary colours [3]
8. A smell [5]
9. The chamber in which a piston sits, in a combustion engine [8]
10. Ancient math device [6]
11. An unwanted charge, typically attached to a service [3]
12. UK film rating, one step above U and below 12A (initials) [2]
13. Baseball and Softball positions, the players farthest from the batter (initials) [2]
14. A woman dedicated to religious service [3]
1. One of the primary colours [6]8. A lyric poem, often dedicated to someone [3]
9. A digital optical disc designed for digital audio recordings (initials) [2]
12. Combined with [6]
15. American sandwich biscuits [5]
16. An organic compound commonly found in a mammal's liquid waste [4]
17. A shorthand for thanks [2]
18. Lacking moisture [3]
19. A UK qualification which is equivalent to the second year of a bachelor's degree (initials) [3]
20. Spanish language ISO code [2]
21. The end of play in many sports (initials) [2]
22. Dismissal of employees usually in an instance of redundancy or downsizing [6]
23. One of the primary colours [4]
24. UK cycling YouTube channel with multiple spin-offs dedicated to eBiking and mountain Biking (initials) [3]
25. Japanese thick wheatflour noodle [4]
26. Handy [6]