The Love Our Adventures weekly crossword
Here it is, the weekly crossword! We (generally) update each Wednesday with a new crossword - grab a brew, take a load off and best of luck...
You can toggle directions by repeatedly clicking on the current cell, the current related clues should pop up and the full list is available at the bottom.
Things are still being tested at the moment, so if you encounter any issues feel free to get in touch so we can get them fixed asap.
Wednesday - 22nd November, 2023 [#38]
1. Someone who is emotionally dependent and needy [6]2. A length of thick, strong cord [4]
3. French 4 time F1 Champion, with Mclaren in '85, '86, '89 and Williams in '93 [5,5]
4. After the '70s [8]
5. Venture forth [2]
6. A picture of one's self [6]
7. To make your way from somewhere to a destination [6]
8. German/Austrian sausage variety [5]
9. Spooky and scary [5]
10. Replaces GMT, in the summertime [3]
11. American technology company, perhaps best known for their printers [2]
12. An abbreviation which is prefixed onto approximate or rough historical dates [2]
1. Cowardly or lacking courage [6]7. Deuce on a playing card or dice [3]
13. Internet acronym following something funny (initials) [3]
14. A hoppy ale commonly known for fruity and sweet flavours (initials) [3]
15. Horse's vocalisations [6]
16. A hastily jotted bit of information [4]
17. The noise of a little mouthy dog [3]
18. Country code for the nation currently engaged in war with Palestine (initials) [2]
19. Underwater area of jagged rocks and coral, full of life [4]
20. Country code for the Eastern European Republic with the capital Ljubljana [2]
21. A long-running trick or scam [4]
22. Spiky ceiling texture, unfortunately typically full of Asbestos [5]
23. Shorthand for competing against [2]
24. The study of what is right and what is wrong [6]
25. Brown soil-like substance, found in bogs and fens [4]