The Love Our Adventures weekly crossword
Here it is, the weekly crossword! We (generally) update each Wednesday with a new crossword - grab a brew, take a load off and best of luck...
You can toggle directions by repeatedly clicking on the current cell, the current related clues should pop up and the full list is available at the bottom.
Things are still being tested at the moment, so if you encounter any issues feel free to get in touch so we can get them fixed asap.
Wednesday - 26th July, 2023 [#21]
1. Tied island adjacent to Weymouth [8]2. To spoil the appearance of something [6]
3. Long-nose, worm-tongue mammals - often seen snacking on small insects with their noses down nests [9]
4. Someone who is in need of some water [10]
5. Beautiful, pretty, alluring [10]
6. French title frequently used for competitions and sporting events (initials) [2]
7. Confirmed [8]
8. Sign-up for something [8]
9. Common initials used for Ronald's burger house (initials) [3]
10. Japan's largest active volcano [3]
11. Grandma [3]
12. Converts waves and digital information to pictures and sounds for your enjoyment (initials) [2]
6. An organised group which oversees a nation [10]10. Keys, Silverstone, Vikander [6]
13. Software technique for loading pages and files early by predicting what will be needed [8]
14. An incredibly sad event [7]
15. The genetic code of organisms (initials) [3]
16. The most protected, or most secure [6]
17. UK automotive services company, famous for orange recovery vans (initials) [3]
18. Japanese demon (or orc/troll) from folklore - typically horned creatures with large teeth [3]
19. One who occupies a rented space [6]
20. Convince to do otherwise, stop from doing something [5]
21. Electronic devices used to record live television (initials) [4]
22. Lazy, doing nothing [4]